Download Governing Risks in Modern Britain Danger Safety and Accidents c. 1800–2000
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For more than 200 years, everyday life in Britain has been beset by a variety of dangers, from the mundane to the life-threatening. Governing Risks in Modern Britainfocuses on the steps taken to manage these dangers and to prevent accidents since approximately 1800. It brings together cutting-edge research to help us understand the multiple and contested ways in which dangers have been governed. It demonstrates that the category of risk, broadly defined, provides a new means of historicising some key developments in British society. Chapters explore road safety and policing, environmental and technological dangers, and occupational health and safety. The book thus brings together practices and ideas previously treated in isolation, situating them in a common context of risk-related debates, dilemmas and difficulties. Doing so, it argues, advances our understanding of how modern British society has been governed and helps to set our risk-obsessed present in some much needed historical perspective. SAMPLE CHAPTERS BY TITLE - Princeton University Press SAMPLE CHAPTERS BY TITLE We are pleased to provide you with introductory chapters from many of our recent books listed below Some files are in Adobe Acrobat PDF Lootcoza: Sitemap 9780805991321 0805991328 Both Sides of the Water - Essays on African-Native American Interactions Lonnie Harrington 9781841134918 1841134910 Making the Law Explicit DRAA Books at JSTOR Titles About JSTOR Please find the list of Books at JSTOR titles available to DRAA member institutions below Titles link directly to the book on jstororg Make a Refundable deposite :: Express HelpLine Your personal information and card details are 100% secure About Us Recent Question User Login Security & Privacy Policy Question list Terms of Service
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